Learn to BUY the
Gold Nuggets

Raw land is just sitting there waiting to be discovered and turned into something valuable. I call them Gold nuggets. In every tax sale there are Gold nuggets. Every one.

Want to take the next step?
CLICK for a FREE guide to begin to prospect for gold in your area. This is the first step.

Wayne GIVES you the bare bones of his first lesson in buying right here. It’s FREE!

Buy the course - get the entire video training. A free book accompanies and supplements the videos!

Are you a parent who wants to help your kid get a start in life? write wayne@junklandintogold.com about a special deal. Wayne is at that stage in life where he wants to give back by helping young people on their way to successful careers.

Topics in the video

  • You learn where to search the tax sales.

  • This section teaches you the many fine tuned ways to search for possible gold.

  • You learn how many properties to buy to guarantee at least one will have gold. The others are more than paid for with the gold.

  • How to assess the land that is offered.

  • It might take you 50 listings to zero in on the 5 that look good.

  • When, how much, how do you word it to the owner?

  • Let's say I buy it cheap and it's a dud. Am I stuck? No! There are things you can do to re-coup or maybe even make money on your investment

  • Now that you own it, you might as well fix it. Class #2 will get you over the hurdles to a big sale.

  • Item description


1.) Buy good junk - $300
2.) Reveal the GOLD by correcting land deficiencies - $400
3.) Both #1 and #2: - $500 (save $200)