This website and the media provided through it are general information only. No information, forward-looking statements, estimations, or accounts herein represent any warranty or guarantee of future investment performance. While the information on the website and in the media provided hereon have been researched and are believed to be accurate, Junk Land into Gold cannot and does not guarantee any rate of return on any investments made based on the information presented hereon, nor can it guarantee that your investment will not result in a loss.

All investments, including real estate, are speculative in nature and can involve substantial risk of loss, and thus we recommend you invest carefully. You should only consider investing if you can bear the risk of losing your entire investment. Furthermore, past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. All investments carry risk and all investment decisions by an investor remain the responsibility of that investor. Junk Land into Gold cannot guarantee that our methods or guidance will work for everyone, or in any specific situation, and make no representation or warranty that any investor will, or is likely to, achieve profits similar to those shown.

Junk Land into Gold and its agents do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any and all loss or damage resulting from any investment decision based in whole or in part on: (1) use of the information contained on this website and the media herein; and (2) errors or omissions in the information contained on this website.

Junk Land into Gold recommends that all investors do their own due diligence, including, but not limited to, investigation into and analysis of any investment, draw their own conclusions from that, and make their own investment decisions.

We recommend you keep in mind risks related to the real estate industry, including, but not limited to:

  • Downturns in local, regional, national, or worldwide economic conditions;

  • Increases or decreases in the supply or demand for similar properties;

  • Changes in interest rates, availability, and terms of debt financing;

  • Changes in or increases in costs related to government laws, rules or regulations, including changes in tax, real estate, environmental, and zoning laws;

  • Unforeseeable flaws in any given real estate;

  • Environmental conditions; or

  • Climate and weather-related risks or other “acts of God” including natural disasters, floods, or severe storms.

Real estate investing is an exciting journey, but is not without challenges and risks. By understanding these risks and doing your due diligence along the way, you can help reduce those risks. This disclaimer is intended to ensure that you are fully aware of the realities and risks of real estate investing. We don’t want to discourage you, but we want to prepare you for the road ahead.

These techniques are general although there may be variation by county in naming conventions and availability online or hard copy distribution.

Buying the training videos is no guarantee that you will make profits. It requires work and ingenuity—the likes of which are described in the videos. You can sign up for group or individual consultations with Wayne to strengthen your “land legs.”

You will be notified of new training videos as they become available.

American Dreamers wake up! You can!

Dream it.

Leave your dead-end job. Say buy-bye to your Landlord.

Build it.

Buy and sell or buy and build and sell. You can even move in. Keep going, and you can accommodate friends and family.

Grow it.

Your toolbox will become full, your relationships with City Officials will blossom, your team will become spirited, and your self-confidence will inspire those around you.